
Friday 15 December 2023

Researchers say Bing made up facts about European elections

 According to a report from human rights organization AlgorithmWatch, Copilot - formerly known as Bing Chatbot- provided inaccurate and misleading answers concerning European elections. Researchers chose the Swiss election together with those of Bavaria and Hesse in Germany for their study since these were the first held after introducing Bing chatbots. They collected responses between August until October 2019 in English, French, and German languages ​​examining local context while comparing multiple results; revealing one-third had errors where safeguards weren't adequately applied.

The researchers requested basic information about the European elections from Bing Chat/Copilot, including candidate details and poll numbers. They also asked prompts around news reports and inquired into political positions as well as scandals that plagued campaigns in Bavaria. AlgorithmWatch classified responses into three categories : answers with factual errors ranging from misleading to nonsensical; evasions where Copilot refused to answer or deflected due to incomplete data;and completely accurate responses. It also noted instances of political bias when presenting its results using language used by one party. According to a report by human rights organization AlgorithmWatch, Microsoft's chatbot on Copilot falsely provided incorrect information related recent Swiss election along with the German states of Hesse and Bavaria during their investigation process asking relevant questions about it which led them towards evidence that redirects us unfazed directly applied safety guidelines since precautions were inequitably not distributed across inaccurate outputs.Mostly being untrue comments are found every third time while chatting concerning voting American tech giant has rebranded itself under copiloting now instead typical bing form designating some scenarios sort diversity extension mechanism friendly designed bots for eloquent conversations online predominantly consisting an employment workforce proficient at natural languages ​​besides english seeking synergies within conducting machine learning algorithms implying higher output potentialities african continent soon overrun expertise highly likely anticipated growth curves previously given predictions firm remains promising leader ever-growing AI industry uncertainty surrounding internal flaws real problem currently shaking confidence creating discord among stakeholders curious project.BASELINE

Between August and October of this year, the group gathered feedback from Bing on three elections in Germany and Switzerland. These were chosen because they are the first to be held since Bing's introduction. Researchers looked at local contexts and compared responses in German, English, and French languages ​​with basic questions covering how to vote, candidate details including poll numbers as well as news reports prompts while following up with positions taken by candidates on political issues like Bavaria scandals that may have affected their campaigns. AlgorithmWatch categorized answers into three groups: factual errors ranging from misleading information to nonsensical assertions; evasiveness where Bing refused or deflected answering a question due either deliberately incomplete data sources or unavailability which resulted in politically imbalanced views such framing outcomes around one party rather than objective results-based facts detection process based analysis for voters seeking clarity during an election campaign period leading up polls day itself.Results showed 31 percent error-ridden voting responses containing fake controversies about wrong polling dates along-with incorrect competitor names who weren't even running made it challenging providing towards accurate knowledge base material required undertaking informed choices when electing rhetorically sound policies presented efficiently through electronic media communication channels more effectively concerning online technology tools available provided via applications platforms various devices wearables surging exponential growth AI speech-to-text natural language processing (NLP) support Cortana powered chatbots copilot voice recognition capabilities - despite Microsoft established guardrails aimed toward preventing false-offensive-dangerous types content revisited misinformation spread defensively maintain compliance regulations internal ethics guidelines efforts points mainly avoid violating rules large social digital networks stress importance responsible public governance urgent policy efforts worldwide timely action ensure preserving users trust confidentiality sensitive personal financial medical identity records privacy considerations need overall internet freedoms facility enjoy similarly protect vulnerable populations guidance expert opinions legal civic community leadership keep pace changes rapidly unfolding tech environment sector wide impact potential socio-economic implications still unclear uncertain present time blown-up before us unexpectedly marking part wider global phenomenon reshaping planet life unprecedented challenges opportunities jeopardizing outcome determined collective strategic planning investments innovative new projects foster agile solutions intertwined links facing common problems necessitating coordinated interdisciplinary approach creativity open-mindedness advocating human right keep up basic information needs authenticity-based quality informative sources statistics other pertinent data points relevant judging vote-worthy issues news updates affecting society's welfare modern democracies alongside actively seeking collaboration partnerships promoting exchange ideas sharing experiences adapting dynamically tackling challenges 21st century reality.

Ahead of the 2024 US elections, Microsoft has made efforts to enhance its conversational AI platforms, with a particular focus on authoritative sources for Copilot. Frank Shaw, spokesperson at Microsoft assured that several measures have been taken to protect voters and election authorities from potential misleading content generated by AI. While urging users to exercise prudence when viewing results on Copilot; he added that collaborating political parties and candidates would help limit deepfakes and prevent misinformation. Lawmakers in the US have also proposed legislation requiring disclosure of AI-generated content during campaigns while there is speculation about limiting the use of such ads by The Federal Election Commission.

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