
Friday 15 December 2023

Donald Trump May 'Turn Off the Internet' if Elected, Former Staffer Says

 During a recent MSNBC appearance, Trump's ex-Chief of Staff at the Department of Homeland Security was queried about possible harm that could be inflicted by the former president, who currently holds an advantageous position in Republican primary races, while still adhering to legal guidelines.

Taylor expressed how the possibilities seem boundless and most worrisome to him are matters related to national security. He believes that despite time having passed, Americans aren't fully aware of all powers held by the president including potential actions Donald Trump could take while being protected with legal jargon which may cause harm to the nation as a whole.

According to him, the President of the United States has access to unprecedented powers that could be utilized such as shutting down businesses, disconnecting internet services or even deploying military forces on American soil. However, due to lack of knowledge regarding emergency presidential powers amongst citizens; it remains unknown what can and cannot be done by those in power.

For individuals like me and other worriers, the potential actions of him pose a significant concern. It's alarming to consider that this utilization of government resources could expand beyond current boundaries into uncharted territory including agencies such as the Department of Education or Veterans Affairs. The administration may leverage their authority and funding in favor of his associates while detrimentally impacting adversaries.

Representatives of Donald Trump were contacted by Newsweek through email for a comment.

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