
Saturday 16 December 2023

Apple Watch Ultra (2026) could sport a larger mini-LED screen and a bigger price tag

 While it may seem premature to consider purchasing the 2026 Apple Watch Ultra, it is never too early for individuals to begin contemplating a new device from Apple. Some are even considering the A21 Pro chipset that could potentially power the iPhone 19 series. TSMC, currently recognized as the largest foundry in existence, has mentioned utilizing a process node of just 1.4nm after their initial use of nodes at 2nm - which means these tiny processors have incredible processing abilities and capabilities you can’t miss out on!

As per TrendForce, cited by 9to5Mac, the upcoming Apple Watch Ultra of 2026 will incorporate micro-LED technology in place of its existing OLED display. This switch to micro-LED ensures a slimmer and lighter screen that consumes less energy while offering improved brightness. However, initial plans suggesting this change for an anticipated release in 2025 faced hurdles due to low production yield rates raising concerns about their availability for steady supply at Apple's end.

Improving the yield is a crucial factor for Apple's future plans of incorporating micro-LED on other devices, including their iPhone. The higher the yield, the lower cost per panel passing quality control; hence any delay would prove costly in terms of expenses and time required to improve yields. In conclusion, it will be beneficial if there are no delays or only minimal ones possible within a year timeframe.

In 2026, TrendForce predicts that Apple will amplify the dimensions of its Apple Watch Ultra to upsize from the current display size of 1.91 inches utilized in both the 2022 and 2023 models. This progression would designate an augmentation beyond two inches for screen sizes with respect to premium smartwatches offered by Apple—starting first among succeeding versions released after this period. It ultimately represents an expansion of approximately eleven percent more area capacity available on-screen for consumers investing in a novel watch come forth year-date specified .

TrendForce predicts that the micro-LED display in the 2026 Apple Watch Ultra may come with a higher price tag. This is due to estimates suggesting that it will cost between 2.5 and three times more than its current counterpart, pushing up production costs from $40-$48 per screen to approximately $120 each. Consequently, Apple may have two options: absorb these extra expenses or pass them on to customers by increasing prices - potentially resulting in an additional charge of around $72-$80 for consumers.

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